REUNIR Video Series – What sets REUNIR apart from other projects?

REUNIR Video Series continue:

What sets REUNIR apart from other projects?

In Julia Friedrich’s view, a research fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), three key elements make REUNIR truly special:

  1. Its unique composition. collaborating with partners from Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and the Western Balkans—working together in the composition of the future EU before everyone else gets to.
  2. Connecting the Western Balkans & Eastern Partnership countries. It’s essential to bring these regions together, fostering deeper communication and mutual learning.
  3. A forward-looking approach. REUNIR tackles unforeseen challenges in the region by providing tools and strategies to address sudden developments. This future-oriented mindset is crucial in a fast-changing environment. These aspects make REUNIR a vital project for understanding and shaping the future of the EU and its neighboring regions. Watch the video and stay tuned for more expert insights on this critical topic! Special thanks to Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) for preparing the video.